Apparently, if you say there was a ‘smear campaign’ then you’re being antisemitic.
I’m sure that most people agree that Labour lost the 2019 General Election based on two main factors, the level to which each of these played a role is debatable but we must be allowed to debate them both openly and honestly
- Brexit
- Public distrust of Labour based on a sustained smear campaign

A ‘smear campaign’ you might say.. isn’t that just a conspiracy theory used as an excuse by ‘Corbynites’ to moan about and make excuses for losing the election?
As the evidence (of a smear campaign) gradually mounts and is carefully presented, the line against those who say it was a smear campaign has started to change. The new line is that you’re anti-semitic to claim that there had been a smear campaign.
It‘s of course nonsense to say this! So let’s present a few simple facts….
The image above shows Lord Ian Austin (a former Labour MP put into the House of Lords by the Conservatives) John Woodcock (another former Labour MP,now Baron) similarly ennobled for their treachery, they run a campaign group called “Mainstream” this (below) was outside Parliament before 2019 election…. not a smear campaign though?
What is less known is that Mainstream worked ‘hand in hand’ with a Conservative PR group called ‘Public First’ strongly linked to Michael Gove Public First are also implicated in COVID Contracts by the @GoodLawProject
Austin’s Mainstream spent £135,000 on this section of the smear campaign alone.
I had written about the Conservative group ‘Public First’ even before The GoodLawProject were uncovering them for Covid Contracts.
In my investigations I was aware that Public First is run by the same team that run a bunch of ‘think tanks’, one of these being ‘New Schools Network’ and associated groups called ‘Parents and Teachers for Excellence’. I will be doing a separate article for this for submission to @CorruptionUK covering the outsourcing of English schools to Tory Lords and donors.
The smear campaign against Corbyn was a broad as it was long. Let’s take a closer look at John Woodcock. I had also covered John Woodcock briefly in an earlier thread on political connections. Woodcock also has a strong association with The Spectator via his wife and as you can see from the thread below is part of the consortium that bought out the (bankrupt) Jewish Chronicle last year.
This thread shows political connections between The Spectator, The Policy Exchange and The Jewish Chronicle.
As we all know the aim of this smear campaign was to instil distrust into the British public, to demonise Corbyn (an anti-racist) as a racist and damage his chances of election. 2018 to 2019 made sure that this was sewn into the fabric of mainstream media 24/7.
My other article on Medium talks about the Guardian’s role in this vile relentless smear campaign. The Guardian (as apparent ‘left wing’ journalism) played an important role in deterring Labour voters. But apparently… there wasn’t a smear campaign!
Of course 2020 we know how this all panned out, EHRC.. Jeremy Corbyn’s perfectly fair comments (FFS I have evidence above that what he claimed was true!) and he was suspended from the Labour Party.
Just after Jeremy was suspended this Tweet appeared from a right wing, Spectator journalist. Stephen (Trump fan) Daisley is seen here calling out congratulations to all that he feels (and knew were involved) in bringing about the suspension. I’m sure people will recognise many of these names.
I’m not one to let matters lie, so I was interested in Stephen Daisley’s past writing on anti-semitism. I undercovered Spectator article from a couple of years ago. This article is smearing (now deceased) Jewish Labour MP Gerald Kaufman as “a minstrel for Jew-haters” and “enabler of anti-Semitism”
I will round off this piece by sharing an excellent detailed article that looks at many (non party) campaign groups that worked to lose Labour the election Over £6 Million spent outside of main party spending. It corroborates the details above on Mainstream.