So, The Guardian Are Left-Wing Are They?

Sean Purdy
7 min readNov 26, 2020



This is a story of deceit and treachery, a story of how the media passed off fiction as fact to trick their readers and listeners.

It had been rumbling on for 5 long years, Mr Jeremy Corbyn the peace loving, anti-war Islington MP of 21 years standing had become (seemingly overnight) a ‘terrorist loving’, ‘Russian / Czech spy’, and was now gradually being exposed as a ‘rabid anti-Semite’ and was a ‘threat to the UK Jewish Community’.

To many this was a surprise because prior to 2015, Jeremy as a respected and well liked Islington MP (across all parties) had not had a single accusation of racism of any kind made against him. Incredible! So we are led to believe he had hidden all of this from political opposition, his colleagues and constituents for decades.

In a matter of few weeks into Jeremy’s Labour leadership a whole media industry was formed around ‘exposing’ his vileness and evil ways. Discussion groups were created, social media collaborators worked together, new companies were even registered into Companies House to fund and fight the coming Corbyn menace. But most damaging of all was main stream media fueling this new perception of the man. So this is where my story focuses, it focuses on The Guardian newspaper considered ‘left wing’ by many but this article may make you consider what wider agenda they have had to effectively lie about important political issues.

As the great Jewish writer and researcher David Graeber once described. The editors and writers at the Guardian worked together to destroy Jeremy Corbyn. I will evidence that this was systematic and co-ordinated.

April 2018, As Labour’s so called anti-semitism crisis was brewing up Guardian (and other newspaper) journalists, starting musing on the serious subject of ‘Labour anti-Semitism’ including this article from @HelenLewis which I will now analyse in detail.

The areas I have highlighted below actually related to anti-semitism which had occurred in 2014 and NOTHING to do with Labour. Specifically, the references Lewis makes to “Hitler was right” and “Photoshopped head onto a rat” are references to anti-semitism by convicted right wing Neo-nazi, Joshua Bonehill-Paine. Note too, Lewis’s subtle obfuscation of the ‘3 men jailed’, none of whom were Labour members also plays to the smear and drama of the lie.

Here is the Guardian article referenced above:

The perception of Labour as a ‘Jew hating’ entity was gradually being sewn into the consciousness of the British public, often fading briefly then just before elections, be local or a General Election the stories would surface again.

After a close run 2017 election, the establishment were not going to take any chances. March 2019, Corbyn already battered over an impossible Brexit position was an easy target for the further smears. Here Guardian journalist John Harris @johnharris1969 (often perceived by many as a ‘lefty’) joined in the deceitful narrative with this incredibly dishonest piece on Labour’s anti-semitism.

John starts his piece with an anonymous testimony from a ‘Jewish member’ and effectively framing anyone that ‘jeered’ this person in a Labour meeting as anti-semites. Save this point until later, because as I will summarise at the end this Jewish person deserved to be listened to but the tension created by lies fueled both sides.

The major focus of John Harris’s article is again on the Luciana Berger story, at this time Berger had left Labour ‘in disgust’ and had teamed up with other anti-Brexit MP’s to run as Change UK to try and split the Labour vote. Berger was also portrayed in the centrist Times and Times Magazine around this period brandishing her peaceful and impressive bump, clearly a pregnant lady deserves the public’s sympathy more. John Harris took advantage too, centre stage in his article is an emotive video by Luciana Berger describing ‘her battle’, but again it’s dishonestly framed because as a viewer you are given a message of “6 people have been convicted for anti-semitism and hate crimes and death threats against me” …. “and that’s why I had to speak out and leave Labour”. Which we know to be an utterly false correlation. Berger’s wider claims of ‘institutional anti-semitism’ have also been proven to be false by the much misreported EHRC inquiry[1]. The video is linked below.

This period from March 2019 onwards was peak ‘smear-ville’, a constant stream of false media claims and MP’s and ex MP’s briefing against Jeremy stirring the smear soup around and around. If you repeat lies often enough people will believe they are true.

Roll on to April 2019, Actress Tracy Ann Oberman writing in the Guardian. The same spin repeated, if you read this without knowing that Oberman was referencing right wing antisemitism from 2014 then you most likely think she was just talking about Labour. References to “Body of a rat” are clearly horrible antisemitism BUT THIS WASN’T FROM LABOUR.

The way this was framed by Ms. Oberman was “then in September 2015 it all changed”, implication that anti-semitism suddenly and rapidly increased as soon as Jeremy Corbyn was Labour leader. Yet, to justify this increase in anti-semitism again the quote used were from a right wing neo-Nazi group from 2014. Some have tried to defend this article, claiming that Ms. Oberman didn’t say that the #FilthyJ*** was from Labour, but it’s certainly more than misleading.

I’m not here to defend Labour party members who made slurs to MP’s as ‘zio’ or ‘agents of Israel’, these tropes are bad but they don’t really convince the public of ‘jew hatred’ like a few mischievous references to actual right wing jew hatred from right wing neo-Nazi groups to help seal the deal. Well Done! Labour are now in the minds of the public ‘Jew haters’ (they’re not!).

Still April 2019, an election possibly imminent , not the Guardian this time but another ‘left wing’ journalist @AyeshaHazarika joins the fray, this one was a spectacular piece that plays and builds on the public perception made by the types of articles I have demonstrated above. LBC have a vast reach to the UK. Yet again, the same 2014 right wing anti-semitism is subtly blended in to the public perception. To be fair Luciana Berger puts the story half straight, but the listeners are left none the wiser as to the relationship between the THOUSANDS of phone SMS messages that she had received and the people that went to jail. The whole LBC article was about Labour.

So final thoughts on what has been happening here, there were some cases of what can be termed by IHRA as ‘anti-semitism’, as I said above comments made by Labour members such as ‘being an agent of Israel’ are bad and unacceptable and any (very few cases) anti-semitism which occurred worse than these types of comments, such as holocaust denial have no place in the Labour Party. My evidence in this article demonstrates a systematic campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and his followers and it is this that bred huge frustration and anger, so of course people say nasty stuff when there are lies being told about their party.

I am not defending the comments, but my assertion is that a majority of accusations made against Labour members were borne from this anger and frustration, they weren’t Jew haters. The clear lies bred conspiratorial comments and these comments were called ‘anti-semitism’ and the way that the media has drawn equivalence to Jew hatred (by falsely using actual right wing Jew hatred) is wrong, most of those people accused of anti-semitism would be the type of people opposing fascist Jew haters. The smear fed itself, false accusations gave rise to more conspiracy claims and denial.. ahhh that’s more anti-Semitism!




Sean Purdy

Bullshit detector, unspinning lies in the main stream media.